Developer Documentation
Platform Overview
API Services
Overview Accounts Accounts: Associations Accounts: Metadata Accounts: Profile Appstore: Users Broker Distributions Broker Tours Consumers Consumers: Linked Agents Contacts Contacts: Activity Contacts: Export Contacts: Tags Contacts: Portal Accounts Developers: Identities Developers: Keys Developers: Authorizations Developers: Billing Summary Developers: Change History Developers: Domains Developers: News Feed Webhooks Developers: Roles Developers: Syndications Developers: Templates Developers: Usage Detail Developers: Usage Summary Devices Flexmls: Email Links Flexmls: Listing Meta Origins Flexmls: Listing Meta Translations Flexmls: Listing Meta Field List Translations Flexmls: Listing Reports Flexmls: Mapping Layers Flexmls: Mapping Shapegen IDX IDX Links Listing Carts Listing Carts: Portal/VOW Carts Incomplete Listings Incomplete Listings: Documents Incomplete Listings: Documents Metadata Incomplete Listings: Document Uploads Incomplete Listings: Floor Plans Incomplete Listings: FloPlans Incomplete Listings: Photos Incomplete Listings: Photos Metadata Incomplete Listings: Photo Uploads Incomplete Listings: Required Documents Incomplete Listings: Rooms Incomplete Listings: Tickets Incomplete Listings: Units Incomplete Listings: Videos Incomplete Listings: Videos Metadata Incomplete Listings: Virtual Tours Incomplete Listings: Virtual Tours Metadata Listings Listings: Clusters Listings: Documents Listings: Documents Metadata Listings: Floor Plans Listings: FloPlans Listings: Historical Listings: History Listings: Hot Sheet Parameters Listings: Notes Listings: Search Parameters Listings: Open Houses Listings: Photos Listings: Photos Metadata Listings: Photo Uploads Listings: Document Uploads Listings: Rental Calendar Listings: Required Documents Listings: Rooms Listings: Rules Listings: Tour of Homes Listings: Tickets Listings: Units Listings: Validation Listings: Videos Listings: Videos Metadata Listings: Virtual Tours Listings: Virtual Tours Metadata Listing Meta: Custom Fields Listing Meta: Custom Field Groups Listing Meta: Field Order Listing Meta: Field Relations Listing Meta: Property Types Listing Meta: Rooms Listing Meta: Standard Fields Listing Meta: Units Registered Listings Market Statistics News Feed News Feed: Curation News Feed: Events News Feed: Groups News Feed: Metadata News Feed: Restrictions News Feed: Schedule News Feed: Settings News Feed: Templates Notifications Open Houses Overlays Overlays: Geometries Portals Portals: Listing Categories Portals: Metadata Preferences Saved Searches Saved Searches: Provided Saved Searches: Restrictions Saved Searches: Tags Search Templates: Quick Searches Search Templates: Views Search Templates: Sorts Shared Links System Info System Info: Languages System Info: Search Templates
Supporting Documentation
Terms of Use


The Accounts service provides access to user settings and profile information.

  1. Supported Roles
  2. Available Services
    1. All Accounts
    2. All Accounts for Reports
    3. All Accounts for Rosters
    4. Individual Account
    5. Individual Account for Reports
    6. Individual Account for Rosters
    7. Accounts for Office Members
    8. Current User's Account
    9. All Teams
    10. Accounts on a Team
  3. Accounts Description
  4. Expansions

Supported Roles

Role Reads Writes Notes
IDX Yes No
Public Yes No
VOW Yes Yes
Portal Yes Yes
Private Yes Yes Writes exclusively granted, see notes below

More information about roles may be found here.


User Administration Permissions

Private roles may be given write access when granted exclusive permissions to create and update Member/Office information. This access also enhances read access by granting expansions and data visibility not available for general users.


Available Services

All Accounts

/<API Version>/accounts

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the matching user(s) No
POST Creates a new account No
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.

POST Request

Request body:

      "Name":"Sample Office Inc",
            "Name":"My Work E-mail",
            "Name":"My Mobile E-mail",
            "Name":"My Work Phone",
            "Name":"My Mobile Phone",
            "Name":"My Work Website",
            "Name":"My Mobile Website",
            "Name":"My Work Address",
            "Address":"101 Main Ave, Phoenix, AZ 12345",

POST Response

The standard success/fail response is returned.


All Accounts for Reports

/<API Version>/accounts/report

Similar to the All Accounts service, the report subservice provides a consistent presentation of data for all records, fit for display specifically on a listing report or a business card.

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the matching user(s) No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


All Accounts for Rosters

/<API Version>/accounts/roster

Similar to the All Accounts service, the roster subservice provides a consistent presentation of data for all records, fit for display specifically on a member roster.

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the matching user(s) No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


Individual Account

/<API Version>/accounts/<Account.Id>

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the matching user No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Updates account information for the matching user No
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.

PUT Request

Request body:

      "Name":"Sample Office Inc",
            "Name":"My Work E-mail",
            "Name":"My Mobile E-mail",
            "Name":"My Work Phone",
            "Name":"My Mobile Phone",
            "Name":"My Work Website",
            "Name":"My Mobile Website",

PUT Response

The standard success/fail response is returned.


Individual Account for Reports

/<API Version>/accounts/<Account.Id>/report

Similar to the All Accounts service, the report subservice provides a consistent presentation of data for all records, fit for display specifically on a listing report or a business card.

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the matching user No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


Individual Account for Rosters

/<API Version>/accounts/<Account.Id>/roster

Similar to the All Accounts service, the roster subservice provides a consistent presentation of data for all records, fit for display specifically on a member roster.

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the matching user No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


Accounts for Office Members

/<API Version>/accounts/by/office/<Account.Id>

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns all users in the matching officers No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


Current User's Account

/<API Version>/my/account

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for the current user No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Modifies user settings No VOW and Portal roles only
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request


Parameter Required Notes
Standard expansion parameters No

GET Response

    "D": {
        "Success": true,
        "Results": [
                "ResourceUri": "/v1/accounts/20000426143505724621000000",
                "Id": "20000426143505724621000000",
                "UserType": "Office",
                "UserLevel": "Office",
                "Name": "Sample Office Inc",
                "FirstName": null,
                "MiddleName": null,
                "LastName": null,
                "Office": "Sample Office Inc",
                "OfficeId": "20000426143505724621000000",
                "Company": null,
                "CompanyId": null,
                "Mls": "Your Local MLS",
                "MlsId": "20000426143505724628000000",
                "LanguagesSpoken": ["es", "de"],
                "Tags": ["Agent"],
                "Designations": {
                  "Accredited Buyer Rep" => true
                "Emails": [
                        "Id": "20030426173014239760000000",
                        "Type": "Work",
                        "Name": "My Work E-mail",
                        "Address": "",
                        "Primary": true
                        "Id": "20030521173014276180000000",
                        "Type": "Mobile",
                        "Name": "My Mobile E-mail",
                        "Address": ""
                "Phones": [
                        "Id": "20040426173010918520000000",
                        "Type": "Work",
                        "Name": "My Work Phone",
                        "Number": "701-555-1212",
                        "Id": "20030426173017935470000000",
                        "Type": "Mobile",
                        "Name": "My Mobile Phone",
                        "Number": "702-555-1313",
                "Websites": [
                        "Id": "20080111173011632650000000",
                        "Type": "Work",
                        "Name": "My Work Website",
                        "Uri": "",
                        "Primary": true
                        "Id": "20060412173019920160000000",
                        "Type": "Mobile",
                        "Name": "My Mobile Website",
                        "Uri": ""
                "Addresses": [
                        "Id": "20090426173019195810000000",
                        "Type": "Work",
                        "Name": "My Work Address",
                        "Address": "101 Main Ave, Phoenix, AZ 12345",
                        "Primary": true
                "Images": [
                        "Id": "20110426173018175220000000",
                        "Type": "Photo",
                        "Name": "My Photo",
                        "Uri": ""
                        "Id": "20080426173011752890000000",
                        "Type": "Logo",
                        "Name": "My Logo",
                        "Uri": ""
                "Locale": {
                  "Language": "en"
                "Permissions": {
                  "Editable": false,
                  "EditableSettings": []
                "Settings": {
                    "ExternalProducts": [],
                    "FlexmlsProducts": ["DesktopIdx", "MobileIdx", "WordPressIdx"],
                    "Visible": true,
                    "SearchRestrictions": {
                        "MlsStatus": [
                        "PropertyTypes": [
                        "PostalCode": null

PUT Request

Request body:

    "D": {
        "GetEmailUpdates": true

PUT Response

The standard success/fail response is returned.


All Teams

/<API Version>/accounts/teams

Returns all teams for the current user's MLS

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for teams No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


Accounts on a Team

/<API Version>/accounts/teams/<Account.Id>

Returns all user accounts belonging to a team, including the team record itself

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns account info for team members No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request



GET Response

See the GET request section for for the accounts service.


Account Description

Attribute Data Type Writeable Required Searchable Description
ResourceId Character No No No The resource URI to a particular account.
Id Character No No No The unique id for the account.
LoginName Character Member/Office UserTypes Only No No The login name of the user. Will only be returned on creation of a new account. Must be unique in the system. May be manipulated with a prefix to be compliant with the naming convention as put in place by the MLS. Will be defaulted from the ShortId if not populated.
Password Character Member/Office UserTypes Only No No The password of this user. Will only be returned on creation of a new account. One will be defaulted if nothing is passed on create.
See the notes below for details on how to do password assignments and resets.
PasswordValidation Character Member/Office UserTypes Only No No The current password for the user. Will validate the user's current password prior to performing a Password reset. May only be used when updating an individual account via a PUT request.
See the notes below for details on how to do password assignments and resets.
UserType Character Create Only Yes Yes, required The type of account. Possible values are Member, Office and Mls.
UserLevel Character Create Only No Yes The user level of the account. Possible values include all values for UserType as well as Company and Association.
Office Character No No Yes, Eq only The name of the office the user belongs to
OfficeId Character Member Only No Yes, Eq only. No _orderby support The account id of the office the user belongs to. If changed via update, will transfer a user to a new office.
Company Character No No Yes, Eq only The name of the company the user belongs to
CompanyId Character Office Only No Yes, Eq only. No _orderby support The account id of the company the user belongs to.
Mls Character No No No The name of the MLS the user belongs to.
MlsId Character No No Yes The account id of the MLS the user belongs to.
Name Character All UserTypes but Members No Yes, Eq only The full name of the user. See the notes below for more information on searching by name.
MarketingName Character No No No An alternative 'marketing' name.
NamesByLocation JSON Object No No No Attributes in this hash reference the fields to display for various user interfaces and roles as its value. Values are at least one of the following: MarketingName and SystemName. The attributes in this hash are:
  • Footer: The name(s) the agent wishes to show in email and report footers.
  • Listing: The name(s) the agent wishes to be displayed along with listings they have listed or sold.
  • Flyer: The name(s) the agent wishes to be displayed on flyers.
  • PublicView: The name(s) the agent wishes to be displayed in any non-private report.
  • PrivateView: The name(s) the agent wishes to be displayed in private reports.
FirstName Character Member Only No Yes The first name of the user.
MiddleName Character Member Only No Yes The first name of the user.
LastName Character Member Only No Yes The first name of the user.
Email Character No No Yes, no _orderby support For searching only. References Email.Address.
LicenseNumber Character Yes No No The license number of this user. Must be between 1 and 100 characters long.
NrdsId Integer Yes No MLS-level users only The identifier for this user to NRDS.
ShortId Character Yes No Yes The short identifier for this user in the system. Must be between 1 and 15 characters long. Must be unique by UserType (i.e. Member/Office)
Associations Character List No No Yes, Eq only. No _orderby support The associations the account record belongs to. Consult accounts meta data for possible values. Displayed when not using the Associations expansion.
LanguagesSpoken Character List Yes No Yes, Eq only. No _orderby support The Language codes for the languages the user can speak. See the profile response description for more information.
Tags Character List Yes No Yes, Eq only. No _orderby support The tags associated with the account record. Consult accounts meta data for possible values.
Designations JSON Object No No Yes, Eq only. No _orderby support A hash with the names of the designations associated with the account record as the keys. Consult accounts meta data for possible designations.
PostalCode Character No No Yes For searching only. References Address.PostalCode.
FbsIdxCustomer Boolean No No No If true, this user is an IDX customer. Privileged Private roles only. Contact support to request this capability.
Profile Fields Various types Yes No No All account profile fields are also available from this service.
"Phones"."Number" No No Yes Searches for any matching phone number associated with the user record. Phone numbers must be in one of the following formats, with a line number and prefix always required:
  • 1 555-555-5555 x555
  • 1 5555555555 x555

Example: _filter="Phones"."Number" Eq '555-5555'.
"PrimaryAddress"."City" No No Yes Example: _filter="PrimaryAddress"."City" Eq 'Fargo'
"Team"."Owner" No No Yes Example: _filter="Team"."Owner" Eq false
GetEmailUpdates Boolean VOW and Portal only Yes No VOW/Portal roles can only see and modify this field when using the /my/account service.
Permissions Expansion Fields that define per-user permissions for various resources.
Editable Boolean No No No true if the current user may edit the user record being retrieved.
EditableSettings Character List No No No A list of editable actions the current user can take on the account record.Possible values: PasswordChange
Settings Expansion Fields that define per-user settings, such as whether or not the user has access to the system.
ExternalProducts Character List Yes No No An MLS managed list of non-flexmls products the user is associated with.
FlexmlsProducts Character List Yes No No Privileged API Keys Only. A list of flexmls products the user has purchased. Values include: DesktopIdx, MobileIdx, WordpressIdx, and FloPlan.
OwnerId Character Office Only No No The Id of the designated broker.
IdxParticipant Boolean Office Only No No Indicates whether this office particpates in IDX data sharing.
Visible Boolean No No Privileged and Replication roles only If false, the user cannot be retrieved in accounts search results without a Privileged or Replication role. If trying to search all Members 'Visible Eq true Or Visible Eq false' filter string should be used to prevent the default of false.
Active Boolean Member/Office UserTypes Only No MLS-level users only When false, the user's account is considered inactive, and their profile data should not show on roster reports. This attribute is never false when SystemAccess is true.
SystemAccess Boolean No No MLS-level users only Indicates whether the user has system access to flexmls or Spark® API.
MlsSystemAccess Boolean Member/Office UserTypes Only No No Indicates whether the user has access granted to flexmls at the MLS level. Privileged Private roles only. Contact support to request this capability.
Enabled Boolean Member/Office UserTypes Only No MLS-level users only Indicates whether the user has access granted to flexmls. Privileged Private roles only. Contact support to request this capability.
FbsBillable Boolean Member/Office UserTypes Only No No Indicates whether the user is billable in the flexmls system. Will default to false if not populated. Privileged Private roles only. Contact support to request this capability.
Brokerload.Level Character Member/Office UserTypes Only No No Allows the broker load level to be set. Will default to the UserLevel if not populated. Privileged Private roles only. Contact support to request this capability. See Broker Load for a more detailed explanation.
SearchRestrictions. PostalCode Character List No No No An array of PostalCode values the user is limited to when searching listings. If null, the user has no restrictions.
SearchRestrictions. PropertyTypes Character List No No No An array of PropertyType values the user is limited to when searching listings. If null, the user has no restrictions.
SearchRestrictions. MlsStatus Character List No No No An array of MlsStatus values the user is limited to when searching listings. If null, the user has no restrictions.
SuperUser.Users Array of JSON Objects Yes No No Privileged Private roles only. An array containing superuser information for a set of accounts. Individual JSON Objects have the following writable attributes:
  • Id: The Id of the MLS, Association, Office or Member that you would like to grant this account superuser access to. Contact support to request this capability.
  • AllUsers: If true, this account will have superuser access to all members within the MLS or Association specified in the Id attribute. Contact support to request this capability.
  • AsUser: If true, this account will be able to superuse as the MLS, Office or Member user specified in the Id attribute. Contact support to request this capability.
  • BrokerloadOverride: If true, this account will be able to override the office or member user's brokerload specified in the Id attribute when superusing. Contact support to request this capability.

Searching by Name

When a wildcard is used on the account Name attribute and no white space is present in the search string, the string will be applied to all words in the name, case-insensitive. For example, _filter=UserType Eq 'Member' And (FirstName Eq 'thomas*' Or MiddleName Eq 'thomas*' Or LastName Eq 'thomas*') is (typically) equivalent to _filter=UserType Eq 'Member' And Name Eq 'thomas*'.

When a list of wildcard criteria is provided (e.g. Name Eq 'john*','tim*'), this special searching will only be used if none of the criteria has a white space in it.


Update Passwords

There are two options when updating a password.

The first is a direct update where the Password attribute is passed in and will be assigned to the account.

The second is a password update with validation. In addition to the Password attribute for the new password, you will send an additional attribute of PasswordValidation to validate the old password prior to updating the new password. This is the general usage for a password reset where the end user provides their old password and the new password they wish to acquire.

Updating Broker Load

Broker Load is a group of settings which indicate at what level a user can interact with listings. The Level attribute indicates at what level the user can edit listings. There are finer grained settings within flexmls which can be used.

For a Member UserType, the possible values are:

  • None - the user cannot edit any listings
  • Member - the user can edit their own listings
  • Office - the user can edit any listing in the office they belong to
  • Company - the user can edit any listing in the company they belong to
  • Association - the user can edit any listing in one or more associations
  • Mls - the user can edit any listing in the MLS

For an Office UserType, the values vary by UserLevel.

An Office UserLevel has the following possible values:

  • None - the user cannot edit any listings
  • Office - the user can edit any listing in their office

A Company UserLevel has the following possible values:

  • None - the user cannot edit any listings
  • Company - the user can edit any listing in any of the offices under their control


Expansion Roles Single Record Only? Selection Support? Description
Biography All No No Text that provides a brief biographical background for the user.
LastStatusChangeTimestamp Private Yes No MLS-level users only. A timestamp logging the last time the user's Active, Enabled, or MlsSystemAccess flags changed.
LoginName Private No No Privileged Private roles only. Contact support to request this capability.
Permissions Private Yes No A hash detailing permissions the current user has on the user record being retrieved.
Settings All No No A hash of additional user settings, detailing restrictions such as searching limitiations.
Team All Yes No A hash detailing information about the team the user belongs to, if the user does belong to a team.
  "Team": {
    "Id": "20000426143505724621000000",
    "ResourceUri": "/v1/accounts/teams/20000426143505724621000000",
    "Owner": false,
    "LeaderId": "20000426143505724621000000"
  • Id: The team's Id will be the ID of the account record that represents the team. This will always be a Member.
  • Owner: If the user record being viewed is the team account itself, this will be true.
  • LeaderId: If the team has a leader specified, this will be the ID of that account record.
Associations All No No A hash detailing the associations data, as opposed to the default array of association names. Writing is exclusively granted, see notes below.